Re: [ADMIN] Lyris upgrade "" <>


Cameron Simpson (
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 16:48:29 +1000 (EST)

On 21 Sep 1998, in message <> (Edward Reid) wrote:
| Cameron Simpson writes:
| > - A To: faq-maintainers@... would be very good.
| > These "recipient list not shown:;" things are very annoying.
| Lyris used to change the To: line. I complained, [...]
| Josh told me in private that he fixed this a couple of weeks
| ago. Thus I assume that any "recipient list not shown"
| comes from the original message and has nothing to do with
| Lyris.

Indeed, this appears to be the case (i.e. lyris doesn't damage the To/CC at
all; looks like it was just Josh's mailer being unfriendly). My misreading.

List-unsubscribe: <>
List-subscribe: <>
List-owner: <>

| > - Why to the X-Lyris-... headers have things which look superficially
| > like email addresses but actually have "mailto:" stuck on the front?
| Well, obviously because they are mailto: URLs.

Then it'd be
- nice if they were marked as URLs (eg the hdr name ending in -URL
or something)
- and didn't look so much like email addresses.
It is the <> markers which I particularly object to.
Why are they there?

| Why, I can't
| say for sure. Probably has to do with the growing
| integration of mailers with web browsers. If a
| browser/mailer recognizes these headers, then the user only
| has to click on the List-Unsubscribe URL to leave the list.
| You'll note that no message is needed, only the address.

I take your point here - it's kind of slick. Sort of.

| > We get a fair number of bounces from people using addresses which
| > look like mailto:who@where here, and I'm beginning to wonder if
| > Lyris or something like it is responsible for tsome of them.
| Given the huge number of mailto: URLs lying around on the
| web, I wouldn't be inclined to blame Lyris for this.

Fair enough.

| Then the user pastes
| the URL into the To: field and forgets to edit out the
| "mailto:" part.

Yah - I should be chasing the mailer - if it parses these misaddresses
then it should be capable of cleaning them up before dispatch to the
real world. Ugh. I will chase one down next time I cop one.

| > and if they do, why are they inside <> markers?
| Because that's the syntax of a URL ...

Hmm. This last I don't buy. I, too, have read the spec (which one was it?)
which said that URL's quoted outside of HTML should me inside <>s, but this
is probably the first time I've _ever_ seen one. I'd assumed that attempted
convention had failed to breed outside of captivity. That markup was, as
I recall and I could be wrong, for denoting URLs in contexts like plain text,
but this header is, presumably, defined to have a URL as its value and doesn't
need them.

Argh. Oh well, I'm bound to lose this argument.

Cameron Simpson, DoD#743

My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we *can* suppose. - J.B.S. Haldane "On Being the Right Size" in the (1928) book "Possible Worlds"

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